Saturday, October 14, 2023

Networking tips for introverts

 From the Economist:

..more infrequent and distant relationships (or “weak ties”) are more useful than close contacts. ... [The Research] showed that weaker ties (where a pair of users had only one mutual friend, say) were more likely to lead to job applications and job moves than those where people had 25 mutual friends or more. 
Even weak ties need tending. ... The real secret is to save your energy for the people who are most likely to be interesting to you. In the online realm, ... the sweet spot in networking on LinkedIn is someone with moderately weak ties to you: connecting with a person with ten mutual friends markedly increases the probability of changing jobs compared with someone with just one shared friend. 
In other words, networking pays off if you can identify people who can bring you new information but are close enough to your world that this information is useful. In the offline world, a tool like Chatgpt should make it easier to find useful prospects in a list of event attendees. But you still need to overcome all your instincts and approach them 

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