Each year, I begin teaching capitalism to MBA's in New Harmony, Indiana, site of a failed socialist experiment by Robert Owen, a British Industrialist who bought the town from some hard working Germans, and then invited people to his socialist utopia. He learned something:
"a plan which remunerates all alike, will, in the present condition of society, ultimately eliminate from a co-operative association the skilled, efficient and industrious members, leaving an ineffective and sluggish residue, in whose hands the experiment will fail, both socially and pecuniarily."
Pozdrav svima. Moje ime je Maria Magdalena, samohrana sam majka troje djece, želim podijeliti opipljivo svjedočanstvo o tome kako sam dobila zajam od 10.000 eura uz 3% od bogobojaznog čovjeka, gospodina Mikea Andersona. Ako ste zainteresirani za dobivanje kredita, obratite mu se, uvjeravam vas da je sigurno, hvala. E-mail adresa: (barrmikeanderson48@yahoo.com)