Monday, September 2, 2024

Social Security and Medicare are screwing our grandkids

Under almost every president since 1980, 80 percent of the real growth in domestic spending has gone to Social Security and ... Medicare.

For Example: 

...A 65-year-old couple with average life expectancy and average household income (about $90,000 in 2023) who retires in 2025 would require $1.34 million to finance their benefits, even though they had paid only $720,000.
Younger workers are paying taxes to support generous benefits to retired ones.
So ..., younger generations are more likely to fall into lower-income classes than their parents or grandparents. Nearly a half century ago, it was the reverse. ...
As a result, "...older folks parading in golf carts [while] twentysomethings [are] paying onerous student loans and living with their parents This is F***ed up. 

[Note: this blog limits profanity to this topic.]

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