Monday, September 2, 2024

America innovates while Europe regulates

NYTimes reluctantly admits that "overregulation and weak governance in Europe may undermine the continent’s future."
Europe softened the harshest edges of capitalism, provided safety nets and in important ways has exceeded the United States in well-being. European infants are less likely to die than those in America, childbirth is less dangerous in Europe than in the United States, and Europeans live longer.
...Europe is struggling today. The U.S. economy last year grew six times as fast as in the European Union, 2.5 percent to 0.4 percent.
[NOTE: Using rule of 72: US income will double in 29 years; EU income will double in 180.]
...The United States abounds with tech successes like Apple, Google and Meta, but there isn’t a single European company on one recent list of the world’s top 10 tech companies by market capitalization.
Related: Why are there so few unicorns in the EU?

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