Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Hone your BS antennae to detect confirmation bias

ChatGPT makes what Steven Pinker calls "motivated reasoning" (e.g., confirmation bias) really easy.  In what follows, pay attention to the general nature of argument.  That is one indicator of BS.  If you want to make this letter more persuasive, use examples specific to your experience.

Write a message to my boss justifying the purchase of [URL of product or service] for [department or company]. 
Write a message to my Dean justifying the purchase of a new laptop for a professor at the Business school at Vanderbilt University. 
Dear Dean [Name], 

I am writing to request your approval for the purchase of a new laptop for one of our esteemed professors at the Business School here at Vanderbilt University. As you know, technology is a vital component of modern-day education, and laptops are an essential tool for professors to effectively deliver their lectures and engage with students. Unfortunately, the current laptop of our professor has begun to show signs of wear and tear, and its performance has become suboptimal. 

Furthermore, given the nature of our business school curriculum, our professor needs a laptop that can handle the demands of data analysis and statistical modeling software, which are essential for effective teaching and research. It is imperative that our professors have access to the latest technology and software to ensure that we continue to provide the highest quality education to our students. 

I understand that purchasing a new laptop is a significant expense, but I assure you that it is a worthwhile investment that will benefit both the professor and the students. It will ensure that the professor can continue to deliver exceptional lectures and research work, and it will also enhance the student's learning experience. 

Thank you for considering my request. We appreciate your continued support in providing the necessary resources to maintain the highest standards of education at the Vanderbilt Business School. 

Best regards, [Your Name]

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