Thursday, April 20, 2023

New penalties for responsible homebuyers

President Biden's well-intentioned plan to subsidize home buyers with low credit scores by charging more to those with good credit scores creates perverse incentives.   

The result, according to industry pros: pricier monthly mortgage payments for most homebuyers — an ugly surprise for those who worked for years to build their credit, only to face higher costs than they expected as part of a housing affordability push by the US Federal Housing Finance Agency.

1 comment:

  1. Pozdrav svima. Moje ime je Maria Magdalena, samohrana sam majka troje djece, želim podijeliti opipljivo svjedočanstvo o tome kako sam dobila zajam od 10.000 eura uz 3% od bogobojaznog čovjeka, gospodina Mikea Andersona. Ako ste zainteresirani za dobivanje kredita, obratite mu se, uvjeravam vas da je sigurno, hvala. E-mail adresa: (
