Sunday, August 31, 2008

"...enough experience to be arrogant, not enough to be humble"

econ professor explaining the difference between Senator Obama and McCain:
Obama as a classic interventionist who overestimates the government's power to control the economy. 'He's relatively young. He knows enough to be arrogant and not enough to be humble,' Froeb says. 'Whereas McCain knows enough to be humble. He sees a problem and he may understand that there isn't an immediate solution.'


  1. More info to pile on...

  2. How can an econ professor support Obama? Although if I were to guess, UC-Berkeley would be the place to find one...

  3. Someone who proposes a gas-tax holiday, then mocks the critiques of "so-called economists" is the type of person who "sees a problem and he may understand that there isn't an immediate solution?" Got it.

  4. touche. bottom line there is a gap between politics and economics for a reason.
